Thursday, February 5, 2009

Teachers Learning From Students

The women I come into contact with every Thursday afternoon at Flirty Girl Fitness never cease to inspire me with their work ethic, positive attitudes, and expounding energy. We kick the day off with Cardio Dance, which I've changed my format around a little bit so it's more interactive and I'm able to incorporate more dance moves that the members want to be learning/executing. For instance, I have a bride-to-be (Feb 21) in my class that wants more moves for the dance floor at her bachelorette party. Where else to learn them while she's getting her weekly cardio fix? And the rest of us being curious and wedding-loving women want to learn those moves too. So last week I dubbed "Throw-down" week, while this week I created a fool-proof bachelorette playlist showdown.

The rest of the Thursday crew comes in an hour later for Body Blast, where more laughter and catching up is made before they start complaining (with smiles on their faces) that we've just done too many shoulder press reps.

One of the best things I take away from the 2 hours there is the knowledge that women of all different age groups and at different stages of life are capable of hanging out and being nice to one another. While the bride-to-be has a goal of just toning up and feeling better in her wedding dress, the massage therapist is looking for a way to make weight-lifting fun.

I think I've learned the lesson before that a group who sweats together, gets together. Memories of too many hours dancing in rehearsal for Grease or Footloose come back and I remember the bonds instantly created within the cast as we gulped water and nursed each other through muscle tears and headaches. It's a very cool feeling now for me to realize I have that same sort of atmosphere in a not too entirely different way. Rehearsals for Grease got us ready for the big show. Working out gets us ready for this never-ending show that I'm learning is called life.

(p.s. - yesterday I invested in a French Press to replace my broken $10 coffee pot and I'm in love. I know I can't just turn on the coffee pot and take a shower while I wait for the drip...but I can sit back and enjoy the taste as my favorite, freshly ground blend enters my blood stream.)

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