I ran across an interesting headline on the MSN homepage that mentioned state fairs. Being from Iowa, I was excited to read an article that would contain something about our state among other cool states like California and Texas. I mean, what better way for states to bond than by sharing a common summer past time like eating fried food and attending cattle shows?
Alas, I was let down. This article blatantly left out the Iowa State Fair. The State Fair that inspired Rogers and Hammerstein to create a musical. The State Fair that happens in the state about which The Music Man was inspired. The State Fair that brings creatures from all corners of our country's center most state together.
Iowa, I will not leave you out.
Top 10 Reasons the Iowa State Fair ranks highest among all state fairs ever:

10.) The Double Ferris Wheel. Kids are afraid of it. Teenagers are too cool for it. Then when you ride it again as an adult and almost throw-up for either fear or dizziness, you remember why you claimed "too cool" to your middle school friends.

9.) Even our President knew to make an appearance.
8.) Th

7.) The Big Slide. Fairs have them. Carnivals have them. But this one is so frickin' huge that even the teenagers too cool for the double ferris wheel will ride. And the little ones know what they have conquered.

6.) The Funnel Cakes by the Big Slide. Honestly, one bite and the euphoric feeling extends from the roof of your mouth down your arms and spine and tingles in your feet. Worried about calories? Share it with two other people. And remember, this is the State Fair - on this day, calories do not count.

5.) The Butter Cow. Or the butter Jackson, or whatever sculpture based on pop culture that year. I don't care how cliche or dated this is - that butter carving takes SKILL!

3.) All the free concerts! Dude, we saw Survivor play two years ago - and got to sing and dance to Eye of the Tiger in front of everyone.
2.) The State Fair Singers and Jazz Band, now called the Celebration Iowa Singers and Jazz Band. These high schoolers work hard all summer long, touring the state like professional show choir/theatre company and feeling like celebrities. My favorite memory was sitting next to my sister and watching during the year they included an 80s theme. I'll never forget that "Uptown Girls" sequence.

1.) The Baby Pigs. Everyone lines up to see them. Sometimes a cool 4H guy is sitting there and will let you hold one. One year, when I was about 8 or 9, we were busy running around the fair all day and finally made it to the pigs just after sundown. A sow decided that was time to give birth. I stood with my parents and sister and watched baby pigs being born. Yes, the Iowa State Fair has even taught me the miracle of birth and life.
This list is just my Top 10 right now. That is not to say that each year I attended the fair with my family does not contain its own top 10 best (or worst) memories (like my sister riding in a broken bumper boat and everyone yelling directions at her thinking she just didn't know how to work it). The Fair, for me, holds tremendous nostalgic value and reminds me of who I am and where I'm from. Now I long for the days when everything was a bit simpler (when you could hop on the SkyRide without fear of the Blackberry falling out of your pocket), and summer was just a bit longer.
What's your Top 10?
I always hated the fair, and it started with that damn bumper boat, ha!