All right. Here is my list of the people who, had they not known the right people and wrote the better songs before I knew what the hell I was doingwith life, I might be in place of...

Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley. "Pictures of Success" is a song that doesn't try to go anywhere but one that she said, "Ok, I'm singing this song and you can listen if you want." So I listen. And sing along as if it were my own story to tell.

Sara Bareilles. So I don't play piano nearly as well as she does. And the only songs I've ever written have either been with someone else, or are just lyrics and a melody that I still have to sit down with a real musician and add the chords to. But Sara's songs fit my voice, and when I sing them, I feel like I'm sharing something of myself.

Katy Perry. Because I want to be the spunky new girl in town. And wear strawberry jumper suits in place of my already popular and worn-out minidress phase.

Missy Higgins. Okay she's another pianist (and guitarist, and just an overall better musician than me), but her music has that familiar feeling when I listen and/or sing along.
Is there a lesson to be learned from this? Take what I love and feel like has been marketable about these 5 women and whip it around to myself?
Nope. These women are all who they are and we know their names because they stayed true to themselves and were not afraid to let that out.'s time for me to stop being afraid of me and just get out there.
I feel the same way about Jenny Lewis. If she had not made songs about a waste of a New Year's Eve, middle names, seeing the bills change colors, embarrassing myself by throwing up in a middle of a street or just wanting the world to end, I would have.
ReplyDeleteNot that I don't enjoy Blake Sennet's work, but somehow, Jenny Lewis stole my heart when i was 15, Blake didn't.